FAQ - Wishlist

1. Click on the heart icon between the account and shopping cart icons.

Wishlist portal icon

2. A popup will appear and display the Wishlist with the products you have saved

Wishlist Popup

1. From collection

i. Hover over the heart icon on the top right corner of the product image. Click on heart to add to Wishlist.

Add to Wishlist from Collection

ii. A popup message will appear to confirm that the product was added to Wishlist

Product added to Wishlist

2. Add from product details page

i. Click on the heart icon located on the right of the quantity box to add to Wishlist

Add to Wishlist from Product Details

ii. A popup message will appear to confirm that the product was added to Wishlist

Product added to Wishlist

1. Add one item from the Wishlist to the cart

i. Click on the heart icon to view your Wishlist. Click on the “Add to Cart” button that is located below the product you would like to add to your cart.

Add Product to Cart

2. Add all from the Wishlist to cart

i. Click on the heart icon to view your Wishlist. Click on “ADD ALL TO CART”.

Add all to cart

1. Remove a product from the Wishlist popup

i. Click on the heart icon to view your Wishlist. Click on the trash can icon.

Remove product from Wishlist

ii. A popup warning that the product will be removed from Wishlist. Click “OK” to confirm.

Warning Message

2. Remove all from the Wishlist

i. Click on the heart icon to view your Wishlist. Click on “REMOVE ALL FROM WISHLIST.”

Remove all from Wishlist

ii. A popup warning that the product will be removed from Wishlist. Click “OK” to confirm.

Warning message

3. Remove from collection

i. Hover over the heart icon on the top right corner of the product image. Click on heart to remove from Wishlist.

Remove product from Wishlist

ii. A popup message will appear to confirm that the product was removed from Wishlist

Removed from Wishlist

4. Remove from the product details page

i. Click on the heart icon located on the right of the quantity box to remove from Wishlist

Remove Product from Wishlist

ii. A popup message will appear to confirm that the product was removed from Wishlist

Removed from Wishlist

1. Click on the heart icon to view your Wishlist. Click on the “Share” icon to see the various social media platforms the Wishlist can be shared via.

Share button

2. Select the icon that depicts the social media platform that you want to share using

Share options